MovieChat Forums > River Phoenix Discussion > May Have Been Seen as Intellectual but W...

May Have Been Seen as Intellectual but What a Dumb Way to Die!

Same with Heath Ledger. With story after story after story about people, both famous and not famous, overdosing from mixing drugs or drugs and alcohol, will people ever get it? You have to watch over the counter stuff too - taking something like Benedryl with a prescription med can depress breathing. And River was not only mixing drugs but HARD drugs!

This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!


He was almost killed needle to back in bar.

He never did drugs.

Most good musicians stay away from drugs.

He didn't die.

They killed him off because someone wanted him dead.

He became Axel Rose Kurt Cobain and others.

Kurt is still alive folks.

A fake Love freaked his cousin out.

He was not married to Courtney ever they are first cousins.

Scientologists weird Jesus freaks like Manson and Koresh do strange things.

They killed the real Elvis, Jim Morrison, Janis Jimmy and Jim Croce.

Wake up drug runners are "these people".


@katydb65 Saying he never did drugs is as dumb as him actually did drugs and quoting that they are bad for you. Some people are just really as dumb as they sometimes don't look. He did not look dumb but became dumb, and died because of it. Defending druggies does not make anything better.

Rated R Horror movies are better, no matter the argument.
