MovieChat Forums > River Phoenix Discussion > Where did all the topics go?!

Where did all the topics go?!

I know imdb deletes older threats regularly, but there are barely any left now on the River board!


I don't post here often but used to years's really a bummer they deleted all his topics. Page looks lonely being so small. 😑


I'd wondered about that, too. I wondered who was clearing these threads so quickly and if some of the threads were requested (or demanded) to be removed by a representative of his estate.

He was a 90's icon, so it seems odd that they would keep the forums so spare on his page.


Damn this sucks :(


He's dead so maybe people talk about him less


I can't believe it!


Try using the internet archive website "The Way Back Machine". I am on mobile, so I can't get the URL right now, but they have archives of some pages back to 1996!

Who wants to live forever?
