
Portman has been photographed a number of times brazenly smoking on set, in public and while seated in cars. Her father is a Gynecologist, and her university graduate background indicates an awareness of respiratory afflictions including emphysema and lung cancer.

So why on earth's name does such a highly educated woman compromise her health with such an anti-social oral habit?


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I love when women smokes!
Natalie looks so sexy smoking!
So is her life and she do whatever she wants do, dude whatever! chill! everyone is gonna die sometimes so it doesn't matter.


It ain't making her look younger, that's for sure. Probably should quit while she's still ahead.


Because in America, we have a little thing called "Freedom." You should look it up. I'm sure Ms. Portman disagrees with whatever "disgusting" habits you have, or are you perfect?


She is neither that intelligent nor educated, not to mention too sophisticated. Thus she probably thought it was cool. And all of that was in her youth. I am sure she quit during pregnancy.


Smoking tends to be a social habit kid, not an anti-social one.


That's strange. According to her quotes she's never even tried smoking.


Actually, America has such restrictive smoking laws that people in Europe can't even believe it. I'm an American, but live abroad. Hell, in Prague you can still smoke in airport restaurants. So, while I agree with you that the OP left a dumb comment, I can't help but find your whole America! Freedom! crap to be just as dumb. I'm willing to bet you don't travel much but, if you did, you'd see that America has no monopoly on freedom. Far from it. In many cases, it's barely got a grasp. In other words, grow up and educate yourself. There's a whole world out there.
