MovieChat Forums > Natalie Portman Discussion > She's knocked up again apparently

She's knocked up again apparently


~Vote Hillary in 2016~


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Just yesterday I guessed she was pregnant because of the dress she was wearing looked like it hiding her mid section, and her arms and neck looked a bit like she put on weight. Not that she was fat but because she is so thin its pretty easy to tell when people like her is pregnant.


Will the contract marriage last? Will it not? Oh, the agony.


Oh I'm sure a site named BLIND GOSSIP is trustworthy.


They reported on this on 28th July. Oh, and they always get it right. Always.


And a "blind" is when you are not allowed to name names until the story comes out officially. Ttfn


Yes that is what can happen when people have sex.

True lol 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I agree this is a contract marriage. I wonder who the father of the second kid is. Because the first kid's father is Aronofsky, and most probably he is the father of the second child as well since he produced 'Jackie'.

And how convenient that it's awards season again... She is going pretty far for a trophy that she considers a 'false idol' and only uses as a doorstoop.

No matter who the father is, I just hope the second kid will keep her off the screen, maybe forever.

'Ne cherchez plus mon coeur, les bêtes l'ont mangé.' Baudelaire
