Needed in the mcu

She's my favorite female character in the mcu
Doesn't matter if she isn't in Thor ragnorak
But for the next one I hope to see her
Maybe in infinity war...


She's not coming back. She regretted signing up for the Thor movies.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


Her character was by far the most poorly written love interest and Portman doesn't seem into the role on camera. Her and the Thor franchise needed to part ways.


They had very little chemistry together, at best. Hopefully she doesn't return. He would do much better with Sif


Agreed; while she is pretty to look at, she's definitely NOT "needed" in the MCU; while briefly mentioned, she wasn't even missed in Age of Ultron.

Now, Darcy.....that's some eye candy I would like to see again, although I doubt that will ever happen.
