MovieChat Forums > Keanu Reeves Discussion > King of the C-List?

King of the C-List?

Wouldn't quite go D-List, but damn Keanu is now cranking out a pretty healthy volume of movies, with directors and many actors you've hardly heard of...I guess it's only a small sliver of A-Listers who can stay entrenched on said A-List, over the course of even more than a decade.

And let's face it, he didn't land on the A-list in the first place, based on his acting chops.

Still a pretty good run...and career, for a one-trick pony. Maybe the Burt Reynolds of his generation?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


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Good question...most of the handsome, A-list actors that are primarily known for their good looks, never win a Best Actor Oscar, and are rarely even nominated...many went on to win for directing. Robert Redford, Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner come to mind.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


What's this one trick you speak of? The Matrix, Bill & Ted, Speed, Point Break, John Wick... that's a lot of tricks.with directors and many actors you've hardly heard ofThis is almost definitely intentional, or at least partly so. Throughout his early career Keanu spoke often about his love for doing smaller indie films with first-time directors, and said he'd ideally do nothing but those all the time if he were allowed to. Unfortunately for him, his contracts obligated a few big studio films every now and then, especially after the successes of Speed and then The Matrix. So he'd intertwine those with his smaller passion projects that he did for a fraction of the salary, including his stint playing Hamlet in Canada for Actor's Guild minimum pay.

At this point of his career he's financially set for life. He's also already established as as a star in Hollywood history. That gives him the freedom to pick the small esoteric films he loves and to get more involved in the production/directing side of things rather than feel pressured to churn out blockbusters. He's a huge film geek (as his documentary Side by Side showed), and he now has the luxury to do what he likes without worrying about the money or whether it would help his career, so... good for him.

It's the question that drives us. I know the answer is 42.


One trick, as in...he pretty much plays himself in every movie you named. Fan or not, you'd have to admit he's not known for his range, or ability to immerse himself into a character or role.

Don't get me wrong, I like him and the grand majority of movies he's made are very watchable...I'm just saying, at this juncture he is definitely far-removed from the A-list of high demand.

And let's face it, Reeves himself has spoken of his lack of offers for roles nowadays:

Keanu Reeves Admits He Doesn't Get Many Studio Offers From Hollywood Anymore: "It Sucks"
October 22, 2014
Call him maybe? There was a time, not that long ago, when Keanu Reeves was one of the biggest and brightest action stars of his generation, with roles in blockbusters like Speed and the Matrix trilogy. Recently, though, the Constantine actor, now 50, has appeared mostly in smaller independent films — and not by choice. In a new interview with Indie Wire, Reeves (who, according to ABC News, made $35 million for just the first Matrix movie) admitted he rarely gets approached by the big Hollywood studios anymore.

"The last studio movie I did was [2013's] 47 Ronin, but before that it had been a long time — probably [2008's] The Day the Earth Stood Still," said the Bill and Ted hunk, who's hoping to make a splash with his new action flick John Wick, in which he plays an assassin. "So I haven't been getting many offers from the studios."

Asked whether he's okay with that, Reeves replied, "No, it sucks, but it's just the way it is."

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I personally think he does have range. Take the year he really broke out: 1991, we have Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, Point Break and My Own Private Idaho. Three very different movies, with three very different characters played by Keanu. He's often been accused of playing himself, I think a lot of that is because he carried the Ted persona around for a while. Jumping ahead, Neo was nothing like the wife beater he played in The Gift. Coming up to today, John Wick is very different to guy he played in Knock Knock.

What I find is he can be inconsistent as an actor. He can be good in one movie, bad in the next. Or even have good moments and bad moments in the same film. Shame, because when he's good I really enjoy him as an actor.

Hopefully John Wick 2 will bring in the money (loved the first one) because at the end of the day it's all about money and not talent when it comes to big studio movies. The Day the Earth Stood Still barely broke even, 47 Ronin did poorly, he needs to prove himself again.


Ehh I don't know...even in Point Break, I thought I was watching Ted Theodore Logan playing Johnny Utah - the voice, the mannerisms, were identical.

Hell even in Much Ado About Nothing, he seemed like a Shakespearean Ted to me.

Don't get me wrong, that ain't all bad...many actors are essentially playing themselves in movie after movie - not everybody commits to a role ala DeNiro.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I don't know, he played Ted like a hyperactive puppy and I can't see any of that in Johnny Utah. Do you only see Ted in Scott Favor too, because you really can't get two more different characters. What about my other examples, no way can you say Donnie Barksdale is anything like Ted, Neo or Keanu himself.

Like I said, I don't think he's the greatest actor, but I do think he's underrated as an actor and it's unfair to say he only plays Ted or himself.


Clearly we're going to have to agree to disagree, but go watch a clip of Point Break some day, and notice Reeve's stoner dude persona as he is undercover...pure Ted.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
