MovieChat Forums > Mia Sara Discussion > Really wish she'd had the success Molly ...

Really wish she'd had the success Molly Ringwald did.

Title is pretty self-explanatory. I'm not a very big Molly Ringwald fan; her acting is fine, but I just don't like her enough to think she warranted being in so many movies in the 80s.

On the other hand, I would've loved to have seen Mia in many of her roles. Mia's acting is just as good, she's far prettier, and I found her to be more likeable in the roles she did have.

Of course, this is just my .02. Does anyone else agree?

Let a little insanity into your life.


On the other hand, where is Molly Ringwald now? At least Mia Sara seems to have a career separate from what she did in the '80s. Not to say that Ringwald isn't working, clearly she is, but most people would associate her with the '80s as opposed to what she's doing nowadays.

^^ May contain ramblings of an easily over-excited fangirl #


I know. I never saw the appeal for Molly Ringwald. She´s not that pretty and quite apatic on screen; no charm whatsoever. Never really liked her. But Hollywood is all about chances, a leap of faith and luck.

I read somewhere that Molly wanted to be Sloan in FBDO but Hughes told her that it wasn´t a big role. And he was right, besides making Mia Sara famous, doesn´t really make her show any outstanding acting skills. It´s all about Ferris, Cameron and Jennie. Sloane is there just to look cool and how Ferris is even cooler for having her as a girlfriend.

According to the Sixteen Candles and Breakfast Club star, she expressed an interest in playing Ferris’s girlfriend Sloane Peterson, but was told it was too small a part that wasn’t worth her time. A conflicting version of the story goes that Hughes didn’t think Ringwald was elegant enough to play Sloane, and cast Mia Sara instead.

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I wish someone had thought about casting her as Mary Corleone in The Godfather III.
