MovieChat Forums > Susan Sarandon Discussion > ☝️ Pop vs. Box 👇 '70 - '12

☝️ Pop vs. Box 👇 '70 - '12

Card 77

Key -

B - box office rank for year
P - current popular rank for year
🤔 - most obscure

Note - voice work for animation not included, Ms. Sarandon's work '78-'83 has no box office data and has been included in reply below.

70 Joe B12 P51
71 Lady Liberty - no data
71 The Apprentice - no data
74 Lovin' Molly - no data
74 The Front Page B26 P74
75 The Great Waldo Pepper B17 P67
75 The Rocky Horror Picture Show B4 P2
76 One Summer Love - no data
77 Checkered Flag or Crash - no data
77 The Other Side of Midnight B24 P86
77 The Great Smokey Roadblock - nd
80 Atlantic City - no data
85 Compromising Positions B76 P280
87 The Witches of Eastwick B9 P3
88 Bull Durham B17 P19
88 Sweet Hearts Dance 🤔 B137 P372
89 The January Man B109 P163
89 A Dry White Season B119 P171
90 White Palace B66 P88
91 Thelma & Louise B27 P8
92 Light Sleeper B176 P107
92 Bob Roberts B129 P168
92 Lorenzo's Oil B108 P74
94 The Client B13 P24
94 Little Women B28 P23
94 Safe Passage B180 P358
95 Dead Man Walking B45 P76
98 Twilight B101 P104
98 Iluminata - no data
98 Stepmom - no data
99 Cradle Will Rock B174 P215
99 Anywhere But Here B88 P140
00 Joe Gould's Secret - no data
02 Igby Goes Down B170 P42
02 The Banger Sisters B84 P195
04 Noel - seasonal
04 Shall We Dance B54 P107
04 Alfie - no data
05 Elizabethtown B97 P149
05 Romance & Cigarettes - no data
06 Irresistible - no data
07 Mr. Woodcock B92 P289
07 In the Valley of Elah B168 P178
07 Enchanted B20 P20
07 Emotional Arithmetic - no data
08 Speed Racer B64 P91
08 Middle of Nowhere - no data
09 The Greatest - no data
09 Leaves of Grass - no data
09 Solitary Man - no data
09 The Lovely Bones B68 P20
10 Peacock - no data
10 Wall Street : Money Never Sleeps B65 P102
11 Jeff, Who Lives as Home - no data
12 Robot & Frank B153 P278
12 That's My Boy B81 P30
12 Arbritage B128 P130
12 Cloud Atlas B91 P39
12 The Company You Keep B140 P123

Movies scored - 38
Box sum - 3292
Pop sum - 4654

Box avg rank - 86.63
Pop avg rank - 122.47

BA-PA = -35.84

Box top 20 - 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅
Pop top 20 - ⚾⚾⚾⚾⚾⚾

Best box - The Rocky Horror Picture Show (4)
Worst box - Safe Passage (180)
Best pop - The Rocky Horror Picture Show (2)
Worst pop - Sweet Hearts Dance (372)

Pop gainer - Igby Goes Down (+128)
Pop loser - Sweethearts Dance (-235)

It is natural for popular rankings to be higher due to the influx of art house, international and straight to video releases. Popularity rankings are taken from IMDb and are fluid. Most box office rankings are taken from The Numbers website (domestic).

Scoring b-p

10+ = excellent
9 to -9 = good
-10 to -29 = avg
-30 to -49 = poor
-50 and below = very poor


White Palace B66 P88 = -22(avg)


Excellent (10pts each) = 8
Good (5pts each) = 7
Average (0pts each) = 5
Poor (-5pts each) = 5
Very poor (-10pts each) = 13
Pop top 20 bonus (5pts each) = 6


Ms. Sarandon's pop/box library score



Movies w/ no box data '78-'83

78 Pretty Baby
78 King of the Gypses
79 Something Short of Paradise
80 Atlantic City
80 Loving Couples
82 Tempest
83 The Hunger


Card updated 5/30/23


Card updated 3/15/24
