

I get that you're trolling....But the fact that Will Smith was initially laughing at Rocks (tame) joke, but only took action upon the stern-look his wife gave him, confirms everything that's wrong with their marriage.
Now let's replace Chris Rock with 'The Rock'....What do you think Will Smith would have done if Dwayne Johnson had said the exact same (lame) gag?

Will Smith cares less about his wife's genitalia being in other mens 'Mouths'....than he does her name?


I'm not trolling, I'm just stating my opinion. Fact is according to me, Chris hurt Will's feelings and what Will did was right


Then you clearly didn't see Will Smith laughing at first (until his wife gave him a frosty-glare) at the very same 'gag' *YOU* now claim hurt his feelings.


I stand corrected (because ye alerted me to that) then but still Chris Rock did wrong


What did Chris Rock do wrong?


Comparing Jada to Demi Moore's character in G.I Jane when he was clearly unaware of her medical condition


Millions of men have to deal with balding, yet no one bats an eye when someone makes a bald joke. Also, how exactly is comparing her to a badass female character (G.I. Jane) some off-limits insult? You know what a joke is, right?


Of course I do but it mustn't offend anyone. I'm sure you like myself would never make a joke that hurts people's feelings


Now that's a good joke.


His animalistic gene kicked in therefore any sane thought like what you posted went out the window. It's violence first, no regret or maybe some later.


Comedians have been making fun of other celebrities since the dawn of television. We wouldn't have late night talk shows for the last several decades if everything was off limits. It was a lightweight, throwaway joke. Will Smith obviously has some serious issues.
