
a) Should be stripped of his Oscar. Imagine you slapped/punched someone in your workplace/office for telling a bad joke involving your wife. Not only would you likely be fired, you absolutely would not receive an Employee of the Year award a few minutes later. What Will Smith did was criminal, whether or not Chris Rock wants to "press charges." There is ample video evidence for the LAPD to arrest him for assault and battery.

b) Will Smith should be Blacklisted. If Joss Whedon is Blacklisted for being "mean" to actors, Smith should absolutely be Blacklisted for striking an unsuspecting comedian. He could have heckled Rock, called Rock an asshole, told Rock to put up his Dukes, challenged Rock to a duel. Instead, Smith sucker slapped a much smaller man. What a piece of shit.

c) Celebrities choose to put themselves in the spotlight but attending awards shows, talking to the press, going on talk shows. They are fair game for comedians to make stupid, unfunny jokes about. What you do not do if you are the butt of a joke is assault a multi-millionaire. I hope Rock at least sues Smith. Totally and completely unjustified in 2022.

d) I actually do not give a fuck about this.


If you wanna strip the oscar then you gotta strip the oscar from anyone that did things wrong in life like lets say Russell Crowe and Mel Gibson

Just because he happened to win a oscar on the same night he slapped someone doesn't mean it should be stripped.. what if he wasn't nominated at all?? what you gonna strip from him then??? the Oscar award is irrelevant in all of this, just because he happened to win the oscar it should not even be factored in

He had the speech he had the moment he had the photos holding the oscar in his hand you can't take that away from him anyway.. it is like taking a gold medal away from a athlete no one cares or thinks of it the moment has passed.


Gold medals (and other athletic medals) are routinely stripped from athletes because of drugs, etc.

Miss America (Vanessa Williams) was stripped of her title because they found nude (yet artistic) photos of her when she was younger.

What Crowe and Gibson did, they did on their own time. This was at a ceremony, where he was an invited guest. It is the day of days for Hollywood. In today's cancel culture, you can't sneeze without someone hating you.

Smith attacked someone at a ceremony. Security should have removed him immediately no matter what his name or new worth is. He should not have been present to receive the award.

What if Smith had slapped Lucy Liu? He would absolutely have been removed.
What if Smith has slapped Sir Ian McKellen? He would absolutely have been removed.

Somehow it was okay because he slapped another Black man.

Total failure by Hollywood.


so what?? you are talking double standards here just because something happened at the Oscars on the day he won a award you want to 'strip him the Oscar'

so if he slaps Tucker during a Ad break or at the after party 'all is good now it's ok not to strip his oscar it didn't happen at the ceromony, please don't give me that double standard crap. if you take someone's oscar away you take anyones oscar away that had a criminal record next you will want Brando whos been dead 18 years to have his oscar stripped for things he did.

Smith won the F''' oscar held it had a speech nothing can take that away it is a moment in history. and will forever be known as a winner. even if you take a trophy away. it is done.

and now I see your bringing out the race cards even though it doesn't even involve a white person. you had to find someway to get that in here. what if the black female host touched white actors??? oh wait that happened!!!! but hell forbid if it was a male host doing that to females the news wouldn't shut up about that. now they don't even give it a mention.




e) This will be forgotten within a week.

f) Will Smith pulled an OJ - he committed a crime and got away with it.
