MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Who needs to slap someone next?

Who needs to slap someone next?

It’s kind of refreshing to see Will in a weaker moment to remind us all that rich and famous lifestyle ain’t perfect. If we could vote for the next celebrity we’d like to see get humbled in this manner mine would be John Legend. Don’t know why, but he seems to have that same level of smugness that Will has been giving off all these years.


James Cordon. Hate that prissy fat fuck. Needs to be knocked down a peg


He reminds me of the prissy fat ass from Demolition Man.




I wish Smith had slapped Alec Baldwin. Baldwin is such a loose cannon that a dirty fight would have ensued with biting, eye gouging and god knows what else. John Legend is a good choice too, but again I'd rather see him slap Baldwin because it's like letting Hannibal Lecter out of his straight jacket.


To me it’s almost better that he slapped someone as relatively likable as chris Rock. Had he slapped Baldwin he wouldn’t be as much of the asshole and the humbling multiplier would’ve been less. I suppose a compromise could be he slaps Rock, then Baldwin immediately after, followed by a nice dirty fight with Baldwinabd smith with Rock giving the play by play on the microphone?


If there is one guy in Hollywood that needs to be slapped it's Mark Rufalo. Bad actor, thinks he knows more about science than scientists. He needs a slap to wake him up to reality.


Joe Rogan not only bitch slaps but roundhouse kicks the ever loving shit out of Fauci and Bill Gates using everything he has.


In need of a good solid slap:

Stephen Colbert
Mark Ruffalo
Shia LaBeouf
Sunny Hostin (a left and a right slap)
Joy Behar
Barbara Streisand


Shia LaBeouf would've been very interesting!




It was a weaker moment. He should've hit Chris Rock e a man's punch, not a bitch slap. I suggest Will Smith get the next slap!


Ezra Miller needs one, as does Chris Brown and Johnny Depp.
