MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Will and Jada set to divorce

Will and Jada set to divorce

As expected


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Yeh like they were going to stay together and blame each other for slapgate lol


They're still together wtf are you high on?


Why? Jada LOVED the slap. To her it was perfectly normal.


Oh, Jada will never divorce Will, but Will may decide that Jada is bad for his image and try to get out, especially if he blames her for the Oscar fiasco. Which is possible, he'll want to blame anyone but himself, and who better than the person who was sitting there, and egging him on instead of stopping him from tanking his career in 20 seconds?

Jada will never leave, without Will she'll be just another Hollywood ex-wife, has-been, and middle-aged actress who has to scrounge for every role. So if he ever tries to leave you bet your ass the divorce is going to get U-G-L-Y, you bet your ass she's stockpiled information on Will, against the day he tries to dump her.


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Heres the highlights of the article


Thanks. Here's the gist of the story:

Will and Jada Smith may be facing

"Will and Jada Smith could have 'one of ugliest divorces in showbiz history'"

Actors Will and Jada Smith’s relationship might be on the rocks

It could be one of the ugliest divorces in showbiz history

Nothing but the usual tabloid speculation right now. And now a million other "media sites" will copy and paste the same speculative article over and over like they usually do.


it will happen, jada will be blaming will for the slap and making her look bad. and it will cause Will to finally see the light that she's messed his mind up and its damaged his career and its now just untenable with her


That article is just someone's opinion and what could happen if they got divorced. Its not news its some trash writers opinion


I think it's the only outcome of all this business. Years from now Will will probably look back on the Slap as the luckiest moment of his life.


I don't see Jada or Will staying together. She appears to resent him and he appears unhappy, but also determined to make it work.

Sometimes a spouse will cheat or abuse their partner to get that person to leave rather than be the one to make the first move. Jada's openly cheating on Will and he hasn't taken the hint that it's over.


Wow, totally didn't see that coming from light years away.
