her voice grates

i never noticed this before. not sure why. but watching the replacement killers now and her voice sounds very affected, like when a woman tries to project in a mannish, tough guy, matter of fact tone. like gina davis did in long kiss goodnight.

anywho, mira is very pretty but her acting is sub-standard. i guess for some reason i didn't pay that much attention before, though maybe i just haven't seen as much of her as i thought.

on a side note, i sometimes confuse her with marisa tomei for some reason, not sure why. (maybe it's the similar ages, name with M, brunette, and italian surnames)


she looks so good. she looks so different from her voice.

so pretty, but has that bitch tone. smh



Ashley Judd is a horrible actress. Putridly artificial. She sounds like she went to a 1940's voice elocution school. And speaking of horrible voices, Mira Sorvino is another one. Not a bad actress really but she sounds like she swallowed the wrong potato and it wasn't even boiled. With a voice like that you could never become a star. So now she's pulling off some cozy supporting parts. Good for the bitch.

reply 305 5 hours ago
