MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > He and Harvey might become cell mates

He and Harvey might become cell mates

It's a certainty, especially with the new accusation brought on by Heather Unruh, who is accusing Kevin of molesting her son, back in July 2016.


I just saw part of the conference on tv. Bad for Spacey but story was odd enough for lawyers to pick holes if it goes to court.


What is "odd" about it?

Her 18-year-old son was drinking underage illegally....but don't all teens do that? I'd think that part's an everyday occurrence.

What's "odd" is an adult plying them with alcohol for an hour, then sticking their hand down their pants.

(At least, where I come from...)


How she said he was plied with alcohol and intoxicated yet was able to run all the way home. If he was that drunk it seems improbable. I'm not questioning it happening, just saying that doesn't always matter in a court trial.

I hope he's held accountable for anything he's done.
