MovieChat Forums > John Travolta Discussion > What took so long to come out of closet?...

What took so long to come out of closet??

im talking about his hair. he shouldve bit the bald bullet the moment he started having doubts.


He looks great bald.
Most men do.


Silly itsbananas2024 😂 He looks good bald!


Not to make fun of John (because yes, he does look good in that cover photo as a bald man - he should have gone with that look a long time ago and then perhaps could have taken some of Bruce Willis' action man action) but when I see that picture I can't help but think of the egg boiler I recently purchased!

Honestly, if you look at the outline of his head, it's a perfect egg shape with slightly curver side on top and the pointer side as his chin.

Anything, I must be obsessed with my machine I guess because I saw his picture and immediately thought - you'd prick a hole right on top of his head! 😂 It's because you have to prick a hole in that end of eggs before you put them in those machines...

Anyway, I never had one before but I'd thoroughly recommend them to anyone who enjoys a medium, slightly yokey egg.
