He Is A Sociopath

I don't say that out of hate, or because of his past. I say it because I know.


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I know.


Really? Tell me how you know.


None of us will ever personally know this man but his violent crimes (2 vicious hate crime s in one day) committed after the age of 21, suggest someone without conscience. His statements regarding his victims seem a bit evasive as if Wahlberg can be held accountable only on his terms. We are not a nation of forgiveness. Celebrities, sports figures,and certain connected politicians are allowed to reinvent themselves and leave their past behind. If you or I did what Mark Wahlberg did we would be confined to a handful of felony friendly entry level jobs.
Wahlberg is now a prosperous man and a Hollywood fixture who people pay to see. I simply choose not to watch him. In the end I do not see his onscreen heroics as believable or compelling. Let someone else pay for his lifestyle. Not me.


I'm Asian myself, and couldn't care less. Mess with a person's head enough (whether it is verbal abuse, drugs, alcohol, etc) and ANYONE will turn violent. I've been through the world of hell and back, and have lived much of what Mark Wahlberg has lived through in his younger life. As for his hate crimes, I can relate because when I was his age, I had done something very similar. If it wasn't for his previous hate crimes, I would never have became a fan to begin with.

Silly white liberals...


If you are for real MyAwakening1488 then you are a real sick piece of work. The Silly white liberals comment is a smoke screen phrase for a moron who needs a quick label without thinking too hard. Thank you for sharing your philosophy of violence.


I agree I think he is mentally disturbed for sure to stab someone in the eye is evil. To throw rocks to hurt four little girls is disgusting and disturbing. He NEVER reached out to the victims he does not give a crap words mean nothing.
