MovieChat Forums > Mark Wahlberg Discussion > Shamelessly Playing Hero Ball...

Shamelessly Playing Hero Ball...

...with the Patriots Day movie. Claiming he understands Boston, the people, can do justice to the tragedy, can represent the city because he is from there blah, blah, blah, BUT makes up a fictitious character cop who somehow is both at the Marathon AND at the capture site a few days later?

Seriously? This event really happened Mark - it's bad enough that a movie only a few years later is being made about this tragic event, but to inject yourself with a bogus character so you can run around, act like some superhero, speak crazy "Bostonese" and claim you didn't make this about you? The story needs no fabrication, no "let's make it like this happened", let's create this guy BS - let it stand on it's own. Scumbag!

But hey Mark - look what happened at Fort Lauderdale Airport today. Give it 2 months before you create another phony hero-ball character who you can claim ran around the airport saving lives of people on runways, in cockpits, in control towers, etc. Maybe you can make a flying tackle from behind the ticket counter and save the day. Just a roided up midget, who gloms on every adverse/tragic event and lines his pockets.
