MovieChat Forums > Mark Wahlberg Discussion > What Happened to the 'Progressive Left'?

What Happened to the 'Progressive Left'?

We used to believe in forgiveness and rehabilitation. Now we carry pitchforks and demand an individual's permanent cancellation.

If you don't believe me, check out these Twitter posts:

"The only Christ-like person in this scenario is Johnny Trinh, who forgave Wahlberg. This is going to keep haunting Wahlberg (in whatever subtle way) forever bc he hasn't changed, he hasn't struggled a day in his life, this hasn't effected his career in the least...

...He's merely "sorry" that he got in trouble and that it's on his record. He's still racist, he just learned to be real fuckin quiet about it."

Nice person, huh? 🙄

"It always amuses me how some people need god to prevent themselves from being who they were. Like a cage preventing a wild animal from being released. Like.... are you good? Should that be celebrated, really???"

And if religion does prevent a person from committing hate crimes, why is it a 'bad thing'? 🤷‍♂️ Or now we're moving away from actual crimes, and looking to catch people out by going after their 'thought crimes'?

"The funny thing is she mentions him not going "Woke" but it was his proclaimed support for BLM that brought his racist past back to the foreground. So she's talking crap on several levels."

So, now supporting BLM is a 'bad' thing, and a basis to attack people? WTF?!? 🤷‍♂️ Honestly, I swear these people will try to trip you up and find the worst, no matter what you do.

"Meanwhile old people on Facebook think serving 45 days in jail and then becoming a rich famous a list actor is paying for his crimes. 😒"

No, but maybe some of us are mature and *liberal* enough to believe in rehabilitation and foregiveness, especially for something that was done over 30 years ago by a teenager, who hasn't committed any crimes since. 🤷‍♂️ And FWIW, I think Wahlberg should have served *a lot* more time for his hate crimes back in the 80s, but what would be the point of castigating him for them now, especially after over 30 years in which he hasn't committed any hate crimes? Where's the logic or liberalism in that, anyone...?

"He can do whatever shit he wants, whenever he wants, and get away with it, as long as he asks the big invisible dude in the sky for forgiveness afterwards. It's the Catholic way!!!"

So, in other words, 'evil' Catholics are actually more forgiving and liberal than the average secular/atheist 'progressive' (by the way, FWIW, I *am* a secular/atheist progressive).

"Racist Christians? Seems legit. 😬"

And yet, the whole point is that he committed his hate crimes *before* he became a Christian.

It seems that many 'liberals' are offended that since he became a Christian, he hasn't been in trouble with the law, because the TRUTH is, they HATE Christians *more* than they hate racism/hate crime.


So what's it like being so much better that you can judge everyone by your lack of standards???

You're an ignorant blowhard, racist POS yourself


Ah, another individual who likes to throw out accusations, like 'racist POS' *without* actually providing any evidence or making an argument as to why that is the case. Seems to be de riguour these days.

What's my 'lack of standards'? What are you actually accusing me of here?

I've never attacked a POC. I've never assaulted anyone. So, what the fuck are you trying to say, precisely?

And fwiw, if this was immediately after Wahlberg had committed his crimes, I'd likely be calling for his cancellation right now.

But this is over 30 years later, and he hasn't apparently committed a crime, and certainly nothing of this nature, since. Even though I would have called for greater punishment at the time, it appears that Wahlberg is an example of someone who's genuinely rehabilitated themself without too much fuss. Why would *anyone* have a problem with that? Would you prefer that he was *still* an abusive racist 35 years or so later? Do you believe people don't have the capacity to change? Does that mean you support the death penalty?, you don't believe in rehabilitation and you believe in long-term spite of the fact that Black people make up the majority of *convicted* and imprisoned offenders...

Hmm..perhaps *you're* the racist. 😉


You never said any of that in your 1st post because you're a coward ,,, just like putting people down

Didnt mention rehabilitation, thats he all right just what a POS he was

Supercilious and Sanctimonious would describe you well

I expect to be called a racist by an ignorant MFr like you


"You never said any of that in your 1st post because you're a coward ,,, just like putting people down"

Who am I putting down Foster? You're the one who first attacked me.

"Didnt mention rehabilitation, thats he all right just what a POS he was"

Do you want to rephrase that? It doesn't make sense.

"Supercilious and Sanctimonious would describe you well"

Why? Because I don't judge religious people (fwiw, I'm an atheist), and I consider it a good thing that an individual who was a racist POS in the late 1980s hasn't committed a crime, racist or otherwise, since?

Like I say, I'm surprised Wahlberg was ever given a pass in the first place, but, to his credit, he hasn't done or said anything racist since, as far as I can tell. Yes, it would be nice if he were more honest about his problematic past, rather than glossing over it, but what matters *far more* is that he seems to have learned his lesson, and is no longer a racist (at least not as far as we know, and excuse me for believing in giving people the benefit of the doubt. I know it's not a popular approach these days...)

PS: If I *were* truly supercillious and sanctimonious, I'd be condemning Wahlberg forever, seeing as I've never assaulted or racially abused anyone. But that would be the easy and smug thing to do.


The OP is a Mind Gamer, using Movie Chat as some kind of training ground to practice manipulating people. Getting people to respond to him is part of the exercise. The more you respond, the more he practices.

See this post:

He's not from the United States, either, but keeps doggedly pot stirring about celebrities and cultural phenomenon in this country that doesn't involve him or he has no familiarity with, as if he were an American. He like to use this term "us" and "we" in discussing American news stories when he is not from there.

