Little Sttches

JW is NOT one of the circle of jerks Biatch! I'm sick of these hoes already jumping on the bandwagons with their #MeToo bullsh*t. He didn't rape or sexual assault these hoes Grow tf up and take off your trainers . Leave ole' Jimmy alone!


He hit on a teenage girl who was young enough to be his daughter. Is that okay with you?


Michael Douglas is old enough to be the father of Catherine Zeta Jones. John Cleese is old enough to be the father of his 4th wife, a lot of the bond movies feature love interests 20+ years younger than Bond himself, etc etc etc.

Why is James Woods any worse than this?


What a dishonest post ... it is not about "age difference" - it doesn't matter if a 90 year old man has an affair with a 60 year old women, it would matter if he were 35 and she was 5 ya dishonest troll ya!


The teenager was 19. Well above the age of consent.


What ... 19 now ... how old was she at the time?


She wasn't 19 but she wasn't 5 either.. She was 16, too young for him to be hitting on even in jest but not a pedophiles target age either. Inappropriate, if true, not criminal.


Woods denies it. What the truth is, no one knows but kids are prone to be overly dramatic. I have 2 teenage girls, if I ask one to take out the garbage she blows up into a rage about the unfairness of the world, cries, and stomps around the house. The other just says okay and takes it out. What is interesting is that Tamberlyn married a man 19 years older than her, David Cross, who is involved in his own little scandal right now.
