MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > Despicable comments from haters...

Despicable comments from haters...

It is absolutely appalling that the accidental killing of a crew member by a left leaning actor sparks so many comments by right wing idiots here who are filled with hate and glee.


Your feelings got hurt? Do you need a safe space? How about a warm blanket? It will be okay, just take slow deep breaths...


I’d like a warm blanket..


There is an Alex Baldwin Coloring Book:

They should add new pages on firearm safety and mass produce it for college campuses. Filming Tip #1 "Do not shoot your director or cinematographer."


Wow, incels still use the “safespace” insult? Lol shut up virgin.


Wow, incels still use the “safespace” insult? Lol shut up virgin.

Wow, people still use virgin as an insult online? Lol shut up, little one.


Calling me little in an attempt to hurt me? The incel is strong with this one!


I don't know what it is but there's something about you that makes me doubt your sincerity SuqMadiq.


That was my first thought. Perfect trolling opportunity. LOL SuqMaDiq is about the funniest SNL skit I've ever seen! Including the part where I-Zheet M’Drurz “left skidmarks when fleeing the scene of his last attack”.


Imagine if someone like James Woods had done this. The lefties on here would be having a field day. Suck it up.


Hypocrites, the lot of them.


No, they wouldn't. That's the difference between left and right, today. But you wont get it because you've been told that "conservative" still means something good. It doesn't.


"No, they wouldn't. That's the difference between left and right, today." Bwahahahahahaha! REALLY?


Jesus! That's got to be the most deluded comment I have ever read on Moviechat! Holy crap! SuqMadiq hasn't just drunk the Koolaid, they must have it on IV drip 24/7!


Horrorfan - I thought the same thing. So, does "liberal" mean something good? HAHAHAHA!!!


"That's the difference between left and right, today."

Uhm, it's the left that's out to cancel everybody, today.


The left didn't cancel everyone in their party who voted for Trump's impeachment - the GOP did. The left don't eat themselves when someone speaks up against their leader - the right does it constantly when someone criticizes Trump. The left don't wanna throw out entire groups of people - the right have an anit-immigration policy that is so blatantly racist it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. The left doesn't wanna control women, like the right wingers do.

So please, spare us your condescending tone, when you don't have a standing doing so.


"So please, spare us your condescending tone, when you don't have a standing doing so."

Lol, I'd almost call you a troll, but your hypocrisy is so typical leftist.🤣


and that shit would be wrong too.
it's either right to do that or wrong to do that.
you'd want to be treated fairly, so you should treat other people fairly too. golden rule and so on.

i think it would be a good idea if people actually parked their stupid comments and waited to get more details on what actually happened.


So that makes it right to belittle Baldwin for manslaughter?


Yes, and the righties would be making excuses for him. That's what happens when politics is nothing more than a tribal team sport.


Life of drugs have made him not to remember how to properly act on a set.


Which has nothing to do with the incident reported today.


Can you positively rule it out ?


You want me to speculate? So theses sick comments can finally stop? I would love to, but I know better than spew weird conspiracy theories just to please some haters.


You are very wise SuqMadiq.


Just like his brother Haid D'Salami


You’ve had some great comments today Quasi. Very funny entertaining shots!


Why thank you, I do what I can.


It is appalling how extremes on both sides drag politics into everything.
A tragedy is a tragedy. It doesn't matter who it happens to.


Most Trump haters are racist savage killers.


There is no evidence for such a ridiculous statement.


replace haters with supporters and you have an accurate statement.


Because liberals are always kindhearted people right?


So you're not excusing the despicable behavior, just pointing fingers at others. Got it.


If Jim Woods did this, CNN would have this as their top story. Since Fat Baldwin is a Trump hater, the media will probably "forgive" him, just like awful Biden.


Assumptions, not based in reality. Just what I mentioned in my initial post. Quite telling, actually.


Alec Baldwin has made plenty of vile, hateful comments himself. Where's your virtue signaling about that?

Looks like he doesn't need to wonder about the last one anymore


Are you kidding? He was dragged thru the mud right and left after his comments. He was roasted, even. He stopped his active political aspirations because of all the hate that came out of it.

All sides have been hard to him, even his wife, in the past decade.

Using this tragedy as basis to bash a liberal just shows the vile nature of right wingers and their hateful agenda.


Boo fucking hoo you're defending a murderer cause you're trash like he is


Your definition of "murderer" is so broad I wonder if you'd agree with me that Trump was responsible for the death of 400 thousand Americans because of his Covid response in 2020.


Nope he's not

Fauci is though. And by your logic how many has Biden killed? How about Cuomo or Newsome sticking old people in nursing homes?

And stop thinking you know what my definition of words are shitlib


Your definitions are all over your place, proving the point of this whole topic.


No they're not. You're just an idiot but let me break it down for you

Trump killed 0 people

Fauci - Funded gain of function creating covid 19

Cumo and Newsome - stuck many old people in nursing homes killing them

If you think Trump guilty of murder so is Biden as many more have died while he was in office and many have died from his forced vaxx mandate

Got it now dumbass?

And Baldwin SHOT A WOMAN that's murder


You have proven my point again, by providing nothing but right wing lies and insults. I am kindly inviting you to stop commenting now.


LOL make me bitchboi


Dont argue with Randy, he’s some senile old trucker who has admitted it to jerking off to Trump. Let’s not belittle the insane.


More lies from the left. Watching you all go into this shit spiral sure is amusing


Haha, you got nuked! Guess the mods saw thru your lies…


He made fun of The Orange One, so this is like porn to them.


Cry more


This is called projection. That's literally what you're doing on this board. You are only here because Baldwin made fun of your god. Your vagina was sore he made fun of Trump and this is like porn to you.


Actually it's not cause I'm laughing at you going on your 3 day PMS rants

Keep going LOL


The FBI found your kiddie porn, Randy. Log off.


And now MucousBoy joins the game. Trash really does stick up for other trash


This is all you have, RandallGraves. That's beautiful, man.


Actually I have plenty including life which is something Baldwin robbed this woman of. And you shitlibs defend him cause you're shit human beings


Alec Baldwin has always been unlikable. But you are slowly changing that with your conservative attitude. I love how you’re managing to make the left look good, lol. Keep it up!


LOL Baldwin kills a woman but I'm the bad guy for posting

You libs amaze me


Why the hate?


With your stupidity yeah. I wouldn't be proud of that if I was you


Good luck. You can use some.


He got deleted?! AAHAHAHAHA!


Yep, RandallGraves is no more. I guess the left has won, lol


FUCK that guy and his bullshit fake stories. He's the worst person on this site.


Any idea what for? I'm curious, he has posted some vile stuff before.


someone probably reported him
