She's so up tight.

I'm glad her career went nowhere.


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So, you and I would have a lot in common?


I could make up a fake bio as well, if you'd like?

And if you really are over 50 what are you doing arguing on a message board for a 27 year old C-list "actress"? Creepy.

Sounds like a pretty full life you've got there. LOL. That means laughing out loud creepy old man.


and what she is is a hell of a lot better than the Lindsay Lohan's of the world that have no moral compass or any meaningful philosophy of life whatsoever.
What gets me is how entertainment writers and a sizeable number of Hollywood watchers or wanna bees out there treat her like she's the greatest celebrity/actress that's ever lived. Her and Britney. Think about it for a minute, if you had a daughter would you want her emulating them? If I had a young daughter and she was trying to copy either one of them I would have to have a sit down with her. We have a very screwed up culture when you stop and think about it and it really shows when people like Lindsay and Britney are so fawned upon and celebrated for their trashy exploits but somebody like Lacey doesn't get the time of day from them. But if I was Lacey I wouldn't feel too bad about it because you don't really want or need attention from those people. That's why I don't feel bad that Lacey isn't an A-Lister.
