MovieChat Forums > James Cromwell Discussion > God Bless you for sticking up for Double...

God Bless you for sticking up for Double Trouble + other cats

To HELL and FIRE to the University of Wisconsin & Madison.... Shall all of those supposed intellects who have tortured and mutilated those beautiful cats and who knows what other animals that felt the pain and torture that you have put them through. Your black twisted souls will be torn from your burnt bodies and slashed by the Demons that are assigned for your demise forever. GOD BLESS AND MORE POWER TO JAMES CROMWELL!!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH JAMES, TRUE HUMAN BEING!!!


I dunno about demons but if someone will leave me alone in a room with those so-called "scientists", a cordless drill, and an Erector Set I could probably teach them a thing or two... No, not really. I'm not as heartless as those people. They make me wish I was, but I'm not.

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


I understand where you are coming from. I for one am so tired of all the torture and abuse of all GOD'S creatures that I will say how it will be for those who do these things. Yes (Demons) will be involved in their afterlife. None of this is normal, no matter what a scientific intellect tries to say that it is in the name of science and medicine. This is evil influence in the fullest degree. I will not put powder and sugar on it. I will say how it will be for them. Believe it or not.

With respect!!


I'm not heartless like them, either. I like to imagine these people suffering miserably, but I couldn't inflict it myself. I'm just not a monster like they are.

But I do hope there is a place in hell for these sadistic people, and if not, then hell in this life that they will have to pay. Karma will get them at some point.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


I also hope that these "scientists", who NEVER have helpful results from these experiments, (they always fail, or are meaningless), will rot in hell for eternity, going through exactly what they put these animals through.

These people are sadists, not intellectuals. They want to torture living creatures and look like they are doing good to further their careers...but every intelligent person knows that animals have different bodies and these experiments do not help humans. Hell even if they did, I would STILL say no to animal testing. It's cruelty.

You need human bodies to get results. Where to find them--serial killers, murderers, rapists, and child molesters should be used in these labs. I am not kidding. People that torture and kill and take the lives of others, deserve to be in these labs, not innocent animals that have done nothing to anyone. Child rapists are the lowest scum of the universe. These pieces of trash should be suffering for what they've done, not poor cats, dogs, monkeys, sheep, etc.

I can't believe some of the horrendous things I've seen "in the name of research". Animal cruelty is against the law in every state. Yet science gets away with it because of money and lies.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


Well, well, well said sparklestar84... God Bless, I like the way you think and where your heart is. I myself would not and could not torture or do the same to them myself, because that is not our place or job. We can express and be angry, but it is the Demons of Hell job and that is the point I was making. You do need human bodies to receive results, I like what you said about using the scum & those monsters for testing NOT innocent creatures of God. Once again well put!!




Semper Absurdus
