Star Trek

You realize this guy has played 4 different characters through out Star Trek? 2 different characters on TNG itself? Somewhere in the distance, there's a little trekkie who's head is about to explode.


It's prety common in Star Trek. A lot of actors play different characters. David Warner played the Earth consulate in Star Trek V, and then was the Klingon chancellor in the very next film.

Mark Lenard appeared in the original series as a Romulan villain, a Klingon captain in the first movie, and finally as Spock's father in the other films.


Flying, Mark Lenard was also Spock's father in the original series as well, he was in the episode "Journey to Babel" if I am correct on the the name. But yes, you are correct about him playing Sarek in the movies too.

The one who has been the most prolific Star Trek actor though has to be Majel Barret, Mr Roddenberry's widow. She was the Original series No. 1 before she became Nurse Chapel. Then she was Lwaxanna Troi and the voice of the computers in TNG, DS9, Enterprise and even the new Star Trek abortion-I mean reboot.
