MovieChat Forums > Farrah Fawcett Discussion > Her micro biology degree

Her micro biology degree

On this site,it stated she graduated, but other sources stated she dropped out once she came to Hollywood. If she actually got her degree, good for her. It is ironic she never played a medical professional , whether a doctor, nurse, or midwife. Maybe she auditioned, but failed to get the role.

On the other hand, on Facts Verse, the narrator stated according to her former college classmates, she was a very sweet person who stood up for those who were bullied. That is cool to know.


Didn't she switch over to an Art degree when she got to college? Maybe blondey couldn't hack a more academic course. 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, what's with all this simping?

'Sexism alert'... *sigh* 🙄🤦‍♂️ But does she really look like a doctor or even a nurse to you? Not that Hollywood has ever been known for its authenticity, but perhaps when it came to Farrah, casting directors *for once* realised that doctors and nurses *don't* look like that.

Also, in reality, it's my experience that the blonde pretty super-hot girls were rarely the ones who stoof up for the bullies. More often than not, they *were* the bullies...but, hey, starry-eyed and infatuated losers who can't seen beyond a pretty girl's blonde hair and big blue eyes, have got to keep simping. It's their *pathetic* nature.

Speaking as someone who was occasionally bullied, and in other instances *did* stand up to bullies, what those of us who were bullies/stuck our necks out to stand up against the bullies *really want* is to feel good about ourselves. Blowing steam up the pretty kids' backsides, is ENTIRELY anathema to that. 😠

And before anyone accuses me of being an 'incel', that charge couldn't be further from the truth. On the contrary, far from being a right-wing incel, I am a *genuine* LEFT-WING *egalitarian* (unfortunately, many of my fellow 'leftists' seem to have given up on egalitarianism these days, in favour of an elitist top-down form of 'socialism'... 🙄🤦‍♂️), and as an egalitarian I am 100% AGAINST the idea that anyone is perfect. So, anyone as pretty as Farrah HAS TO BE flawed in other ways. To argue otherwise is to argue against egalitarianism and universalism (the idea that every human being has an intrinsic equal worth), and is THUS the epitome of mean-spirited BULLYING and FAR MORE damaging than a thug's punch. 😠

SELF-WORTH and EQUALITY is what matters. One can take the punches, but if you don't have self-worth and sense of equality, and simp for 'Cinderella', you're fucked. 😠


OK on that note, I respect your opinion, like the emojis. Regarding Farrah, maybe she did change her major. I was never a big fan.


I was a big fan of her. She was gorgeous, and had the best smile in Hollywood. She wasn't up herself, like so many modern Hollywood stars, and was willing to play a variety of roles/characters, not all of them admirable.

She died way too young, but IMHO she was one of the most genuinely beautiful women in Hollywood.

I just doubt she was a genius or some crusader for the little people.

But she was a decent actor, had bags of charisma, and, at the risk of seeming shallow, was lovely to look at.


When I was in college in the late 80s I worked with a girl who was getting her degree in microbiology. I asked her what do you do with that degree and she responded “Make Beer!”.


LOL, that seems like a waste to me.
