MovieChat Forums > Linda Fiorentino Discussion > Was she genuinely difficult...

Was she genuinely difficult...

or just "wouldn't sleep with Harvey Weinstein" difficult?


She did have her 15 minutes, but it’s interesting that she disappeared just as quickly. TBH, I don’t think it was a “Weinstein Case”.

Kevin Smith claimed that she was simply really difficult to work with, and he has a history of having a healthy relationship with his actors (that always seem to want to work with him).

Maybe it’s just her, and she has a reputation for being difficult to wrk with. I mean, there are thousands of actors that could fill that void.


Linda Fiorentino was a complete psycho. She was sweet and sexy on screen but off screen she was a real bitch. This was mid / late 90s. She was also known to be very promiscuous and word of mouth was that she slept her way to "the top". Directors, casting directors , producers and studio executives all had her. This was however not uncommon amongst her cohorts during this time in Hollywood. I don't know if there was a Harvey Weinstein connection but I think her "mental health" suffered after all the sex she hade to give up in order to have a career in film.


Yes. I was her horse riding stunt double on "The Desperate Trail". Word has it she was so jealous of me she paid the wranglers to get me hurt. They " mistakenly" gave me a retired rodeo bucking horse that nearly killed me and ended my career. She got what she deserved: OBLIVION


desperate trail was good movie. i watch on youtube

i hope you recovers from injury


i feel sorry for her in that she did have talents especially when compare to actress of today like captain pancakes bree larson and jizz face jlaw - but this count for little when you horrible person to work with.

it is advice for young actor that if you want to make it in film you must be talent but also be actor who treat other peoples around you on set in respect manner.

best films you watch have actors who all have good chemistrys with each other and work well with director. this retard probably think because she have acting talent that she queen of sheeba then she find herself not being actor anymore becuase no one can stand her attitude.

good attitude go long way in life. no one likes asshole


#MeToo has redeemed some women labeled difficult. Maybe a journalist could re-tell her story.
