MovieChat Forums > Brendan Fraser Discussion > BF blackballed by Hollywood

BF blackballed by Hollywood

This is just my opinion about why BF is not being offered the top acting jobs in movies.
Hollywood is a business. The commission/suit over William Tell 3D and Todd Moyer makes BF look bad, the threat of counter-suit to stop also makes BF look bad. Now everybody sued over Crash and Bob Yari, but BF's name was most prominent on it. Matt Damon sued over Crash too, a minor producer. There are too many legal problems to work with BF.
I own a business. On a second day, on half day training I got a kid saying within earshot of me to a person you should sue. Sue who.. sue me?
"He doesn't have the lifespan of a housefly". You win a prize if you guess that quote,
(.. no you don't, it's not that kinda board, Christopher Walken, in Like Father Like Son).
You don't get the job if you walk in the door and try to make trouble.
The whole Todd Moyer, Eric Brevig with BF is hanging over his head.
It's not a total loss, you can come back from that. Kim Basinger got sued and lost big time in 1992 over Boxing Helena, Jennifer Lynch, (David Lynch's daughter). Kim came back and won best Actress in 1997, LA Confidential.
What I'm saying is there is good stuff out there an everyone agrees here at BF being a good actor but he is not being offered any good roles because of this, lawsuit/s. No one will employ a potential risk/hazard.
It takes time, let it die down.
Being an optimist, the best is yet to come.


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I decided to take some time off of the board after our last unwelcome guest blew in, wreaked havoc and blew out again but I received an email a few hours ago that told me I might want to check in and now I can see why.

Gingrr666- Are you familiar with the terms SLANDER and LIBEL ? Apparently not.
Not one word of your post bears the slightest resemblance to the truth. As you stated, it is only YOUR opinion, and that speaks volumes.

A)William Tell. The contract stipulated that if the film was made Brendan would be paid $3mi. But, if the project was shelved, as it was, that Brendan would be paid $2mi.because he turned down other things to remain available. The producers (including the infamous Todd Moyer who was a "who?" in Hollywood up until then)went back on the deal so Brendan sued them. Moyer is a jerk and should thank Brendan for the free publicity. And Moyer's "assault" and "mental anguish" claims are laughable. Brendan would not hurt a fly.

B)Comparing Brendan to Kim Basinger in any way is crazy. The situations are not even similar. Brendan has never backed out of a project (He had three weeks to change his mind about doing the "Legends" series and did so with time to spare.)

C)You have no idea what Brendan is or is not being offered. Have you seen the current crop of movies ? Slim pickings in my book.

D)Calling Brendan a "potential risk/hazard" is an insult. He has never been any "trouble" on a set. You will not find another actor, director, etc. or true fan who does not speak well of him. He is known for his professionalism, generosity,
scruples, and kindness. He is a perfect gentleman, on and off set. His reputation speaks for itself.

E) "Crash" was only given the go ahead once Brendan's name became attached. That is how they secured the budget.

F)Acting roles go to the "flavor of the moment". They rarely go to the actor or actress that actually deserves them. Brendan predicted that he would not work as much in later years because of this and because Hollywood is rife with age discrimination. Europe is not as narrow-minded which is why actors there have much longer, more varied careers and are rarely typecast. Helen Mirren once said that in the US she had to go to interviews dressed as the character she was reading for because American producers cannot see you in the role unless that person is sitting right in front of them. How true.

G) Brendan is presently on a self-imposed hiatus while he takes care of some medical issues and re-evaluates his professional goals. It is not rare to take some time off after over twenty years in the business. If Brendan was a woman and took time off to raise children, no one would question it. Why can't a man do the same?

I hope that Gingrr666's post will be read with skepticism not only for it's content but also to question her motive in posting it.

And for other accusations that have been made elsewhere :
H) Brendan is not in rehab, nor does he have any reason to be.

I) Brendan was never fighting the child support, only the ridiculous alimony.

J)Brendan filed for divorce, not Afton, and not without very good reasons.

K) Brendan is neither penniless nor homeless.

L) Brendan is not suicidal.

When I was in grade school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down HAPPY.


LOL you are the unwelcome guest cham cham you are a BULLY and a LIAR!!! i hoped you had slithered out of here tail between your legs!!!you know nothing about brendan you certainly dont who he is or isnt dating cant even answer my questions your a sad sorry woman who trolls the place with alternate accounts!!!


you know nothing about Brendan you certainly don't know who he is or isn't dating

At this moment, I am looking right at her.

cant even answer my questions

Your "questions" are more like...accusations.

your a sad, sorry woman who trolls the place with alternate accounts

Actually,happy MAN in his late forties, not a troll, one account.

When I was in grade school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down HAPPY.


i very much doubt it you are looking at her at all!!i know who he is REALLY with !! plus you ARE tess!! your just full of lies! you always manage to find a way to not answer anything lol its funny as well how only you are privvy to this infomation??? just all false.


If ignorance is bliss, then you must be the happiest person in the world. You know nothing and we are all laughing at you. Your delusions about Brendan are truly sad. I do not owe you any answers.

When I was in grade school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down HAPPY.


you know nothing and we are all laughing at you. Your delusions about Brendan are truly sad. I do not owe you any answers.

Ahh but i do! i have it on very good authority you are LYING about brendan be careful who you talk to tess lolol That was a oscar winning description of yourself and your other personalties love really!! hehehe


I was not aware of that category - Best Description. No trophy ? Well, it's the thought that counts, I guess.

And I had it on "very good authority" that I, TheChamCham, would never win an Oscar ! 🏆

When I was in grade school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down HAPPY.
