Before I go.....

.....on vacation !๎€ฆ

Tess๎‚ and I are taking the โ›ตout for some R&R, but I wanted to leave you with something to occupy your empty little heads.

Did it ever occur to any of you that it was BRENDAN'S choice to turn his back on Hollywood, not the other way around ? The answers are there if you simply took the time to look, listen, understand, and care. But I guess that would take too much "work". It's so much easier to simply be a herd of brainless๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘swallowing every ridiculous rumor,article, meme, photo shopped picture, and one minute YouTube video ( the average attention span of a millennial)claiming to know the "truth".

But then, what could I possibly know about anything ?๎€ก

I pity your next choice of "whipping boy" ๎‚ฆ. This one is saying ๐Ÿฌ๐ŸŒด๎€๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒด๐Ÿฌ ALOHA ๐ŸŒ‹!

For now.

For the record,Tess is 5'4". I don't know where you got the idea that she was a "little person" ๎—.Although I am 11" taller than she is it has never caused us any "difficulties"๎„ ("ChamCham ! Stop winking !"๐Ÿ•)
And now I am in the ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿก. Dagnabbit.๎‚žArrghhh.


Tess posted on Twitter that she was a little person, some time ago.



never the less..... have a nice one.๎ฌ

a millennial

thanks for the compliment but....I'm somewhat older.๐Ÿ˜ฑ


Why would Tess say she was a little person if she wasn't? Why would she lie about such a thing? I am very confused.


Yeah, sure. An actor who worked for a decade, was on the verge of making it big, and then failed was the one to turn his back on Hollywood.

Yup, I'm sure he loves thinking every day about how if life was a little bit different he could have a career like The Rock.

Ya-huh, I totally believe that Brendan wouldn't cream himself if the gods handing him a crappy Jumanji reboot.

What you're saying is ridiculous. Forget the fact that you have been caught in multiple lies by multiple people, one in this very thread.

You are 100% a middle-aged woman. You type like one, you use far more emoticons than any straight male would, and you deny it too strongly without offering proof otherwise. You ain't fooling anyone ChamCham. No way in heck you know Brendan Fraser, and in no universe would that ever be an excuse to be as rude to others as you are.

Have a nice trip! Take some ginger root!
