Mummy reboot horror

"Speaking about the film whilst out promoting "The Nice Guys," Crowe says the new film is not the action-adventure style tone of the Brendan Fraser films, but rather a full on horror tale".

Okay, so this means the reboot will be nothing like the The Mummy as we know it.
maybe for the better.....
One thing for sure, I will not be seeing it (unless.... haha), horror is not my cup of tea.


I don't watch anything with Tom Cruise. Can't stand him. Only saw Top Gun because of Val Kilmer.


I know this sounds weird but I miss Brendan Fraser idk he was just one of those weirdos that has talent despite some of his crappy movies. I hope to see him get back into something


Me too :/ I loved him when I was a kid. I wish he would make a comeback.


I feel the same way about Tom Cruise. I would much rather see Fraser in it.


He Fraser reminds me of Nathan Fillon and you know how busy he has been. Would like to see him in something as well


you and me three....😊
Me....I still love his work.


I do too. I hate how Tom Cruise replaced him. I feel like they're his movies. No one cares about Tom Cruise. I feel like people still care about brendan fraser.


I liked Tom....well...kinda.
But when he jumped the couch over Katie, at Oprah...
Things weren't the same anymore...haha. (sorry Tom)
