MovieChat Forums > Gene Hackman Discussion > You gotta do one last film!

You gotta do one last film!

Dear Mr. Hackman,

I am a young, 27 year old actor. You are an inspiration to me and many of the young actors today. As far as I'm concerned you're the best film actor I've ever seen and your films and characters inspire me to be a better person, not just a better actor ( which I have a hard time believing I'll ever be as good as you).

I just wanted to let you know you are greatly missed and are continuing to affect the younger generations with your gift.

Act again! Please! We need you!

James Clayton


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u are right. he is great!
its a shame he dont get any offers since 2004.
i cant belive this.
he is one of the 10-20 best actors alife


A friend of mine...who works in film industry told me,that he will be working on a movie staring in Aug.. And its with Gene hackman and Tommy Lee Jones...I hope he's telling me the truth.


its a shame he dont get any offers since 2004.

I am sure Hackman still receives offers, but I think it's more that he himself decided to retire. A shame, cause like you said, he really is one of the best actors around. It would really a shame if his final film is Welcome to Mooseport

Don't you know people write songs about girls like you?


Refer to my 'perfect last role' thread. It's a great role!


Come on, guys, this actor is old and obviously decided not to act anymore for his reasons. Perhaps health-related.

Sure, there are the actors who are still acting or directing, but not everyone at that age can do it.

I didn't like Sean Connery's last film, but it didn't negate all of his previous work that matter to me.

My dad is 2 years younger and has been in poor health after he had worked for decades. Had he wanted to go back to work as a government contractor after he retired, he wouldn't be able to. He is too ill when he was healthy up to age 71.

Some of you seem to act like folks in their 70s and 80s still can work as if they were still 30. Some can, but the others can't. They are no longer 30, or 40, or 50, or 60 while they can still work. It's called getting old and not being able to keep up. That's the problem with Hollywood trying to unrealistically project eternal youth, manliness, beauty, and no injuries from brutal fights in movies.

Pacino and De Nero will follow suit in the near future. I'll be sad when they can't or decide not to act anymore, but no one is or can be humanly immortal.

Then, you will need to let go of them at that point.

Just watch their previous movies and marvel at them... and smile. You will still honor them in that way.

Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.


I agree with you, though I must say, at least Hackman only had one *beep* role in his latter years we want to forget. Remember one of his best performances (Royal) came only a few years before.

Pacino and De Niro have both made multiple embarrassingly bad films in the last decade. Its truly depressing considering the brilliant careers they had. I mean, after so many excellent movies: including two films in the godfather II and heat which they both were *beep* RIGHTEOUS KILL is what we finally get to see them together in on screen?

Gene Hackman is a brilliant actor and has always struck me as a wonderful man as well. His role selection has been near flawless, mooseport aside.

"Its too bad she won't live........but then again who does?"


That's a great way to put it. Moreover, as bad as Mooseport is, at least it wasn't embarrassingly bad. I cringe every time I see DeNiro on the bill these days.
