MovieChat Forums > Neil Patrick Harris Discussion > Wow, what a lot of hatred.

Wow, what a lot of hatred.

What a shame that we live in a world where people feel such hatred and ill-will for fellow people and, not only that, but an un-ignorable urge to make it known in public forums as well. You don't like him? You don't mind him but thought he sucked at the oscars? You wish he'd never been born as he's the worst, unfunniest, piece of crap ever to walk the Earth? Okay, fine. Tell your friends, family, and coworkers when it comes up in conversation. It's not necessary to go out in to the streets and yell it for anyone who can hear. And if you do want to do that, just remain aware that it's your opinion. Other people aren't wrong or stupid for disagreeing over something so subjective. Try lessen the hate in your lives, maybe the world will be more pleasant.

And now for my opinion. It's just that. Opinion. I wouldn't even bother putting it out there if it weren't for the opposite opinion being so loud and well represented already; it makes me feel more compelled to try balance the scales. Personally, I loved the Oscars yesterday. I thought Neil Patrick Harris did a great job. The SCRIPT WRITERS wrote some awful jokes which he, as the host, had to say, but they also wrote some great bits too. It was enjoyable and mostly funny.


I didn't watch the Oscars so can't comment on his performance. But I do think that the first part of your post is spot on. Would people act this way in a restaurant or at a party? I hope not. I know I've said some things online that I would never say in public. It's the anonymity. Makes us feel invisible.
Lovely post, very well put.


Well said. So many people up here are trolls and haters and based on their comments it just proves that they live very miserable lives, and feel the need to spread that misery.

I seriously doubt that NPH gives 2 sh%$ about these people and their comments. He has more talent, more money and more fame than they will every get in their miserable lives so the only thing to do with these haters is ignore them. Is someone has haters that means they are doing something right.

Always look for the positive in every situation.


What a shame that we live in a world where people feel such hatred and ill-will for fellow people and, not only that, but an un-ignorable urge to make it known in public forums as well Your post was a little over a year ago. Watched any Trump rallies? Makes me want to cry.
