MovieChat Forums > Goldie Hawn Discussion > She's An Animal Hater

She's An Animal Hater

Saw a picture of her wearing a full length coat made entirely of feral cat pelts. Now I realize that the feral population is out of control, but using any part of these poor, unfortunate animals as a fashion statement is absolutely abhorant, and any attempt on Goldie's part to explain away this faux pax is to be taken with a grain of salt. For those here who might say that these animals would have been euthanized anyway, I'm not disputing that, for lack of a better solution and no homes in sight, euthanizing is perferred to allowing them to continue to breed and die in pain, suffering, starvation, etc. My complaint is that any human would use the skin of these animals simply because they can, and well, the animals were going to die anyway excuse. She is no longer on my favorite list and in fact, I now hate her with all my heart and she cares, not one bit. BITCH!!!


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The modern concept of animal rights was conceived by Heinrich Himmler. The Nazis were animal lovers, including Hitler who was a vegetarian also.


Yes she is a huge racist, check out my thread I started about how she supports organizations that even the government of Israel has blacklisted as jewish supremacists.

"No man is just a number"


get a life


Oh so I must hate animals because I eat meat. Give me a break.

The blog of a little Welsh Girl


YA, who gives a *beep* what her coat is made of? Animals were put on this earth to serve man as he sees fit.

get a life looser.


lmao, animals were put on this earth to serve man? Humans ARE animals, and those "animals" that supposedly serve Man have been around ridiculously longer than Man has and will be around longer than Man will last.

Freaking educate yourself.
