MovieChat Forums > Matthew Lillard Discussion > Apparently he never wants to act again.....

Apparently he never wants to act again...

He was quoted saying he'd rather direct for the rest of his life. I've heard the fat kid movie was good and I believe matthew has the talent to be a good director but I'd miss him acting. After getting a role in a great film like the descendants one would think more good roles would be ahead. maholo


He was on Criminal Minds tonight. Pretty creepy character too...he was a serial killer. The title of the episode was The Apprentice. He isn't listed in the credits for some reason...not sure why. The episode was a good one and he was good in it....but like I said...creepy lol.

"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe


And his acting appearance doesn't show up on his IMDB account.

Hm. Interesting.


Yeah, that's what I said. His name was listed in the opening credits on the show but not on his IMDb page or on the show's IMDb page.

"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe


I read an Interview and it was good to see him so excited'' but I would seriously hate not seeing him pop up again-- I thought he did great work in The Descendants. He was also quite good in Trouble with the Curve. The movie itself was fairly average but the cast did act the hell out of what was there.


I loved him, I seriously loved him in the 90s and early 2000s. I loved seeing him in novies, The only reason I like Scream is because of him.
13 ghosts was complete horse poop but I own the movie Because he is in it.
I love Salt Lake City punk and found out about it because he was in it.

One of my favorite characters of all time. I seriously loved seeing him on screen.

I'll look down, and whisper no
