MovieChat Forums > John Malkovich Discussion > Six Degrees of John Malkovich

Six Degrees of John Malkovich

First, Helen Morgan

Generosity, that was my first mistake


Helen Morgan - Show Boat - Irene Dunne - Penny Serenade - Cary Grant - Charade - George Kennedy - The Eiger Sanction - Clint Eastwood - In the Line of Fire - John Malkovich

Next: Tom Mix (I)


Tom Mix-Rustlers' Roundup-Noah Berry Jr.-Best Little Whorehouse in Texas-Burt Reynolds-The End-Sally Field-Places in the Heart-John Malkovich

Next.....Edwin Martin (II)

Generosity, that was my first mistake


Edwin Martin=The Woman Next Door=Noah Berry=I Live Again=Bessie Love Reds=Jack Nicholson=Mars Attacks!=Glenn Close=Dangerous Liasons=John Malkovich

Natalie Kingston (I)

You better drop that blade, or you won't believe what happens next, even while it's happening.


Natalie Kingston - Only Yesterday - Billie Burke
Billie Burke - Pepe - Jack Lemmon
Jack Lemmon - Hamlet - Gérard Depardieu
Gérard Depardieu - The Man in the Iron Mask - John Malkovich

Next: Natalie Portman


portman - beautiful girls - timothy hutton
hutton - ordinary people - donald sutherland
sutherland - space cowboys - clint eastwood
eastwood - in the line of fire - malkovich

next (Mel Ferrer)


mel ferrer=war and peace=audrey hepburn=always=john goodman=monuments men=george clooney=burn after reading=malkovich

next..............eva average

Short Cut, Draw Blood
