What was this ?

A few years ago I was watching SBS ( the arty network here in australia ), without much intent when a short film began which made me sit up and pay attention thinking " Hey , that looks like John Malkovich . " As I recall , it was in some scenic italian coastal town ( Portofino ? ) and the guts of it was that John's character sees this attractive woman and feels compelled to follow her , which he does for what seems like 10 or 20 minutes , it becomes evident after a while that she becomes aware of him following her . She eventually reaches a dwelling , he follows her in , and they engage in what erica jong once referred to as a zipless *beep* , basically a mutually aroused wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am . When they're done , John's character simply leaves to find his way back through the town having scratched that itch . I can't recall that it had any dialogue at all . It may have been part of a collection of short films . Does this ring any bells for anyone ? I'd like to see it again and would probably buy it if it were available on DVD .

" We call him Pea-brain , 'cause he's got the mental age of a pea ."


Thank you to cranly for his link to the title in question . I currently have a copy of this title in transit to my mailbox . Having read a couple of synopses of the film , it looks like there is both more and less to the story than my memory afforded me . And I do now recall that one initial impression of the actions of Mr Malkovich's character was that what he did constituted rape ( " but she wanted it " ).

" We call him Pea-brain , 'cause he's got the mental age of a pea ."
