MovieChat Forums > John Malkovich Discussion > 8 films in 2008!!! Holy smokes..

8 films in 2008!!! Holy smokes..

If that isn't a record, its pretty damn close. The thought of starring in 8 films in one year would exhaust even Samuel L. Jackson!

What's beef? Beef is when I see you, guaranteed to be in ICU --The Notorious B.I.G.


Actually character actors can work more than movie stars. Movie stars usually spend more time on location because they have more scenes. Character actors have smaller roles so they'd have less time on locations and can probably psace things out more. Then again, not all movies shot are released at the same time. Somtimes they all end up released close to the same time eventhoguh some may have been filmed a long time ago.

I think this might be the case with Malkovich because he always seems to have time to do plays and travel when he wants. I think character actors are happier than movie stars. Lol
