MovieChat Forums > John Malkovich Discussion > Top Ten Performances

Top Ten Performances

Places in the Heart, Robert Benton (1984)
The Glass Menagerie, Paul Newman (1987)
Dangerous Liaisons, Stephen Frears (1988)
The Sheltering Sky, Bernardo Bertolucci (1990)
In the Line of Fire, Wolfgang Petersen (1993)
The Portrait of a Lady, Jane Campion (1996)
Time Regained, Raoul Ruiz (1999)
Being John Malkovich, Spike Jonze (1999)
Ripley's Game, Liliana Cavani (2002)
Disgrace, Steve Jacobs (2008)


Burn after reading
The Great Buck Howard
The Libertine
Ripley's Game
Les Miserables
Being John Malkovich
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Portrait of a Lady
Shadows and Fog


What about Making Mr. Right? That's my favorite performance by him, as both of the characters. Hey, comedy is harder than it looks. And to be genuinely likable in a romantic comedy, that's even tougher.


Why hasn't anyone mentioned "Of Mice and Men"?!

He was phenomenal in that!

P.S. I like Making Mr. Right too :).

"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Completely agree with you dab6 :)! "Making Mr. Right" was, in my opinion, the most enjoyable film to watch with him in it. He did such a great job with both Ulysses and Dr. Peters - I am honestly surprised that he didn't get more Rom-Com roles in the late-80's/early 90's because of it. Maybe he doesn't look like the conventional "lead-man", but they put a hair-piece on him in "MMR" anyways and it worked! He is a great dramatic actor when it comes to films like "Of Mice and Men", "Dangerous Liaisons", "The Sheltering Sky", etc., but I think I really enjoy a Malkovich performance when he is doing comedy because I believe he is a natural for it ;).
