MovieChat Forums > Dina Meyer Discussion > Thought she was/is much hotter-and sweet...

Thought she was/is much hotter-and sweeter than that other girl

with the surgically implanted smile on her face 24/7-Denise


Almost wanted to smack Johnny Rico and ask WTF wouldn't you be all over Diz??!! Especially how much she wanted him. Even Carmen back then pre-plastic surgery had NOTHING on Diz. Diz was a dream girl!


Yeah, Johnny Rico was completely clueless about all the signals Diz was sending him; she may have been better off early on wearing a sign. In any era, Dina Meyer over Denise Richards is an easy call for me.


Dont know why i thought that was what this thread would be about.

I think it had to do with the fame and name recognition.

That and that fact that Johnny was gay.

 Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. 
