
Waste of a good ass!


Not really. If she was a nun, that might be a waste.


Nah, she's been with a dude apparently for the last 12 years:

Gorgeous women with an irresistible personality? They get scooped up by men all the time. Unlikely for them to get caught in the cult of lesbianism.


Being a lesbian is no more being a cult than being hetero. Not like religion. I am of course in the cult of Dina fans.


Being a lesbian is no more being a cult than being hetero. Not like religion.

LOL not at all. Homosexuals can't procreate, it's why they have to indoctrinate.

It's always why they have "Pride" parades, to celebrate and try to normalize their fetishes. How many "Hetero Pride" parades have there been? Exactly.

Being hetero is the standard barometer for which mankind persists in perpetuity; ergo, you cannot have humans without heterosexuals. So there's no need for a cult.

You're welcome for the basic ontology lesson. No need to thank me.
