MovieChat Forums > Kate Mulgrew Discussion > Didn't like Jeri Ryan

Didn't like Jeri Ryan

I heard she was very unprofessional to Jeri Ryan once she was added to the cast. Pathetic!

Cardboard Box is the Future.


Do you believe everything you "hear"?


Where did you hear this from? A credible source that worked the the set? Or just some random internet rumor? Please, cite your source.


"Hear" is my source:

Cardboard Box is the Future.


And you consider that to be definitive and absolute?


Does it really matter if she liked her or not as it was years ago, and everyone cant like everyone.


So is it a problem for you... that KATE MULGREW didn't get along with Jeri Ryan... or is it that Kate Mulgrew didn't get along with JERI RYAN?

No one is going to like everyone. Give Kate a break on that. Especially, since it never seemed to show on screen.

And if you are putting Jeri on a pedestal and think Kate should have liked Jeri, well... too bad...

Personally, I think Jeri is overrated.

Oddly, I had a thing for Jeri while she was on the show, but after that time, that quickly faded. I eventually realized that I was only attracted to her for her beautiful figure, and that I really didn't think she had a pretty face ...I hate her nose, and her face is strangely shaped... (I must have been partially blinded by her Borg Eyepiece to see the truth!). I thought her acting of Star Trek Voyager was very good, but... I began to wonder if it was because 7of9 was a such a unique character, that I couldn't compare with anyone else... Her character was much like a vulcan, & Mainly Emotionless. I liked 7of9! But, every other character (with emotions) that I have seen her play, I have not liked, and has left me cold. And the more interviews that I see of Jeri, the more I think she buys into her own press about being some "hot babe and sexpot", because, she always seems to me to act like she thinks she is so wonderful, with thoughts like: "No one should ever dislike me, and if they do, well, then THEY are the ones with the problem!". So I am left with the conclusion, that I hate Jeri's personality (Perhaps I'm not the only to see that)...

I think the reason why she had problems with Kate was because Kate just saw her as another actress, and Jeri thought she was better than that. (Perhaps Kate noticed this too.) While I have no doubt that Kate did have at least a bit of an issue with 7of9 taking a huge portion of center stage from the Captain... Kate seems smart enough to realize that it wasn't Jeri's fault... but it was the writers and producers who did that to the Captain. And if Kate took an honest look at what they were doing, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. There were a lot of great stories in the later seasons! It did add a lot of fresh blood to the show, and possibly kept it going for another four years... Plus, we all knew that sooner or later, that sometime the BORG were going to be encountered during the show, and that you couldn't just have a bunch of battles. Voyager could NOT win forever. So, having an Ex-Drone help to add a huge number of stories and such to integrate the federation's greatest "enemy" into the show on regular basis, and to help Voyager fight the Borg, and get home...

I think that interview is really more about JERI not being liked because of her "self important attitude"... because even if another actress was cast as 7of9, KATE would have had the same animosity about taking a bad seat on the stage, and there is no reason to believe that she would NOT have gotten along well with some other actress. So what's the key issue here? I think JERI herself!

And, in the end, I don't see why anyone should care what Jeri thinks now... On screen they characters were great! The show is over now, and they have gone their separate ways. If they hate each other, so what. That is between the two of them, and no one else's business.


Even if it's true that Kate Mulgrew didn't like Jeri Ryan, I'm pretty sure that she left any personal feelings at home and conducted herself very professionally with her on the job.


thats not what i heard


WOW !!I didnt know anything about that. Thanx for posting that.
