MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > She ruined Wills career and her kids are...

She ruined Wills career and her kids are talentless self-entitled brats.

She's absolutely horrible. Will is a talented funny man who has been muted by this cynical rancid women. Her kids are absolute spoiled brats who she attempted to push into stardom because she thought they were amazing when they're not.

The Oscar boycotting is a joke and further proof what a horrible person she is with a warped vision of the world.


Couldn't have put it better myself.

The most talented people were put up for oscars. This year there were no blacks. So what?

Get over it.

Try whining about something tangible that is affecting blacks Jada, and quit
bitching because your black Hollywood buddies didn't get an oscar nomination.

What a self entitled whiney crow.

Her career is over.

Not that she ever had a decent one to begin with!




Why didn't she call for a boycott of the MTV awards??

No Latino's or Asians were nominated!


Because Latino's and Asians aren't black.


The most talented people were put up for oscars.

Do you actually believe this?

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Unless she was responsible for his poor movie choices, she hasn't detracted from his fame. She has given him kids that many people dislike, but you can't choose your kids or what they look like.

All careers peak. Will was very popular when he was in his 20s/30s. It was inevitable that he would eventually stop being a box office draw as he got older.


LOL Will Smith's career was ruined guessed it, Will Smith, because finally Hollywood woke up to the fact that he ain't all that talented to begin with. He's a *beep* actor for starters, only plays ONE character in every movie he's in: himself. His kids have even less talent.

Having said that, I'm enjoying Jada in Gotham big time.
