Dear Jada

I know you've been upset about there not being enough black talent being recognized and appreciated in Hollywood. Well here's an idea that could help with that STOP casting your goddamn spoiled ,over privileged, untalented kids in roles that should go to more black undiscovered talent. You and your husband are both hypocrites and egomaniacs so please stop speaking on "our" behalf .. .. oh and stop ruining Gotham !!


She and Will's production company has hired black and Asain l writers, directors and actors.

The Secret Life of Bees - black cast,actors, female director and writer
ATL black actors, director and producer.

Saving Face: All Asain, writer, director (female) and actors.

Because of her. We now have a chance if a getting a qualified film by a black director and writer. With black cast for best pic. See Moonlight. No Tyler Perry

Please check your facts before you rant.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Asian is the correct spelling.
