MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > what she doesn't apparently understand.....

what she doesn't apparently understand...

The Oscars noms, for better or worse, are MARKETED to the voters.

Harvey Weinstein has been known to spend 20 MILLION of his company's money to market to the voters a film as an viable Oscar candidate., a film that only cost 5 million to produce, no less.

If Jada feels some films are left out... well guess what.... Then blame your own damn producers/distributors for leaving the film high and dry during the award season.

Even world famous dudes like Scorcese.... there are millions and millions of dollars spent on his behalf to make the Oscar voters take a look at his work.

Blaming the Academy for a percieved slight is ludicrous. Her people don't know how to play the game. Learn how to play first, then complain if that don't work. White producers are spending money for those votes. You don't get a free pass for sitting on your hands.
