MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > Some of you don't get it

Some of you don't get it

1. Jada was telling blacks uo "stop begging" and show initiative.
2. The Acadamy needs to get rid of it's antiquated system.
3. The Oscars reflect Hollywood.

This system that didn't nominated Jim Carry becuase they didn't take him seriously. Or gives Oscars to actors becuase of politics.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Jada is just a cry baby racist who didn't get her way bc her husband big Willy didn't get nominated. Also that douch Spike Lee *beep* movie didn't get nominated.


You talking to me?


No, that filthy twat omoxus.


Jada be a fackin dbag like you. Whiny beyatch.


Oh my bad.


She is a racist who hates whites nominated for awards.
