MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > New Oscar Categories: Best Black Actor o...

New Oscar Categories: Best Black Actor or Best Black Actress.

I guess a quota system is what this no talent moron wants for the Oscars. Sounds like a great way to further devalue what these stupid awards represent. The best performances should be nominated not some q
uota system.


Ok so why only a category for black people? you think your race is more important than others?
what about best arabic actor? best hispanic actor? best indian actor? best chinese actor?

get the hell over yourself


Imagine they do create these new categories, AND SHE NEVER GETS NOMINATED Lolololololol


That will be hilarious best black actress in a supporting role. ..Jada Pinkett Smith as the Mommy in the remake of Gone With The Wind.....


As a black person, I feel that the biggest nominee snub for a black movie or actor was for "Coming to America." At least it should have won best comedy. Also, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall were so good in their multiple role (even playing different race and gender) that they should have won an Oscar just for that movie even if they never won anything after that. The sad thing was this was one of Eddie Murphy's best film, and everything went down hill every since when it came to his acting roles.

As for Jada Pinket Smith, I doubt most of us black folks care about her boycott because there are more important things to worry about in this world. Had Will Smith actually acted phenomenally in his recent movies and got snubbed that would have been one thing, but I don't really feel that Will Smith deserved the Oscar for anything he did recently. I am quiet surprise that the Smiths who many see as Hollywood elites that have benefited greatly in Hollywood more than many others, would be the ones leading this charge. There is also a possibility that Will Smith may have had a private conversation with his wife about feeling snub, but she then decided to do the video and go public without him being aware of it. I bet you if Jada Pinket Smith decided to do this on her own without getting Wills approval, a divorce will be imminent because she just single handily destroyed both herself (the little she had) and may be Will Smith's movie career. I fear that at times people just don't know how to choose which battle to fight. You cannot fight every battle, people will start getting fed up. Fight the battle that matter. If Will Smith had an award winning acting role and did not win, then Jada would have had a reason, but this is not the case and its getting ridiculous.


Very well said. I would like to see what she thinks was forgotten.


Prestigious, the OP was being sarcastic.

The OP isn't the one making race an issue, Jada is.


You mean a quota for her family.
They need this Oscar or attention badly after they had so many short-commings in the last years (=> After Earth etc. pp.)

And what are the Smiths without nepotism?!

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
