MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > They should create The Denzel Awards jus...

They should create The Denzel Awards just for blacks

They already have BET, Black Entertainment Television, only for blacks.
They have Black History Month, only for blacks.
Black Colleges, mostly for blacks.

Why not have an awards show only for blacks, called The Denzel Awards!
Instead of a red carpet before the show, they could have a black carpet.


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In addition to the Black Reel Awards, BET Movie Awards, the African American Film Critics Association Awards, The Black Movie Awards and the Black Film Critics Circle Awards? And there may be more, that's what I got from just a minute on Google!


They also have Kwanzaa!!!


They should also create the Spike Lee award: some big red leeps on an ugly face kissing a black ass. Just because it's black.
