(Awesome Job Jada!)

(Now any time a black person gets nominated for an award, everyone will just wonder if they were nominated just for being black, way to move forward) LOL


LOL I love your Icon, looks like Samuel is back on crack!!!!


There ya go! Thanks for the help Jada but really no thanks. Oscar is just a joke anyway. Thanks for putting the nail in the coffin. Half the movies nominated are a snoozefest. Thanks for bringing down Oscar Jada. We won't care to watch when they have to nominate tokens. There won't be a contest then.


(You should see the full picture I got it from, it's awesome) LOL


oh s h i t love it..scary and haunting!!!! hahahaha


yeah, let's fill the pre-established quota of awards for black people (based not on talent and performance, but on skin color) and move on...

Trully amazed you black people are not ashamed with yourselves! Is this the way you force people to give you recognition? You desgust us all, this is it. (And I'm a guy from Eastern Europe just watching the show...)
