She is toxic asf!

Anyone else agree?


Does anyone not agree?


Will Smith is Jada's "lapdog". He is her puppet and she is "pulling the strings". That's what we saw with the slap. Will initially laughed at the joke but saw his master, Jada, clearly not amused. That was his cue to strike Rock. Jada must have told Will "August would've got up and defended me."


He's a FAR bigger star than her.

I'm no fan of toxic masculinity and male bullying, but I don't think men should be simps and wimps either. No man, let along a star as big as Will, needs to take that, if what you say is true.

Why is Will scared of Jada? He could have any woman he wanted if he threatened to leave her nonsense.




this bitch ruined Will. he was on top of the world now he is nothing but the most famous global cucklord, a laughing stock...


Will ruined Will


yeah that too he let himself get cucked


How in the world is it his wife’s fault that he hit someone?! Its classic misogyny, find a woman to blame for a man’s actions. That is just embarrassing. 🙄


Will Smith was laughing his ass off after hearing balding bitch joke it wasn't until he looked at his wife's expression that his mood changed and he decides to assault another person


So the fuck what? Do you think she has mind control powers? He assaults someone and its her fault because she gave him a look? Do you not realize how bizarre your thought process is?


that look is all he needed to know if he didn't do something quick it would be his ass getting slapped when they get back home lol


Ridiculous. People are responsible for their own actions.


Oh bull. Nobody is responsible for Smith's one-minute career suicide except Smith himself!

Of course she's still as toxic as any Hollywood narcissist, but's it's still very odd, how many people want someone other than Smith to blame.


He's one of the most popular actors in Hollywood (or at least was) and until the slap heard round the world, he had this reputation of being a pretty chill nice dude. I can see how it's hard to reconcile that with what is on tape for all to see.


Nope. I think she was married to a man who made a terrible decision to slap a comedian for making a joke about her on live Television.


Will was laughing along to the joke until she looked at him with a "I'm highly offended and upset by that joke" look.

She's a fucking nobody who seems to think she's some sort of acting colossus because of a supporting role in the crappy Matrix sequels.


Lol. Okay kiddo. The only reason people are upset is because they never saw Will do something stupid like that. It was a shock and people are focusing on blaming Jada without thinking that maybe he's is or just as much to blame. It's pathetic.
