MovieChat Forums > Dennis Quaid Discussion > Harrison Ford ... Dennis Quaid

Harrison Ford ... Dennis Quaid

Why has no-one realized yet that Harrison Ford should play Dennis Quaid's dad in a movie? They look similar and they sound similar, the only difference is that Quaid is much younger than Ford.

Watch "The Day After Tomorrow" because when Quaid's first scene came in, it was dark and I thought it was Ford.

Birdie in the hand.


Harrison is only 11 years older than Dennis, so the better idea would be for them to play brothers in a movie. Yes, they do have a similar look though.


I agree that they should play brothers. They are extremely similar and would be perfect. Harrison could play Dennis's dad if they did that thing where they make the actor look younger in movies.. But, besides that, it wouldn't work.


I think Harrison Ford could play Dennis Quaid's dad.....Sean Connery pulled it off in the last crusade and he's only 12 years older then ford


Bring that Indiana Joneses brother idea for Indy 5


I have not posted on IMDB in such a long time. At the moment I am watching an old Dennis Quaid movie and I have always believed that the only man that could ever play Indiana Jones besides Harrison Ford, was Dennis Quaid.

You guys prove my point. I would never want to see Ford replaced, but I would love to see both of them in a movie together, as family. Indiana Jones or not, it would be a perfect match.


Dennis Quaid. A poor mans Harrison Ford.

If nobodys perfect... I guess you're nobody!


Ford isn't old enough to be Quaid's father.

I'm the saddle.


I know. He doesn't even look old enough to be his father.
