Bill Murray

I read that after groundhog day him and Murray no longer worked together. I wonder if they remained friends until his death? Those two together were unreal. I really hope they remained friends.


Well i hate to break it to you but they didnt because Bill Murray is a Pamsby ass


I don't know what Harold's ideas were specially for a next Ghostbusters, but I'm with Murray on how horrible the ideas sounded, whoever came up with them.


I think they were fine and they just had creative differences


They broke up during Groundhog Day and never reconciled.

Shall we play a game?


I just finished the ‘Ghostbusters’ episode of the 2019 Netflix docuseries called “The Movies That Made Us’, and Harold Ramis’ daughter is interviewed throughout in lieu of Harold and she says that the two did fall out after working on ‘Groundhog Day’ as is mentioned on this thread but that just before Harold died, Bill Murray turned up at their home town in Illinois at the local Police Station and asked them to take him to Harold’s house because he didn’t know their address - and they did and the two men caught up together.

You could tell the whole issue was very emotional for Harold’s daughter and are left with the impression that Harold & Bill’s falling out was something that Harold had little control over & was very hurtful for him.

It’s a lovely episode and Dan Ackroyd talks about the changes that Harold made to his original script & Ernie Hudson talks about how his role was greatly diminished during the filming process.

The whole series (only 4 episodes) is pretty light-hearted and fun to watch once you get past the terrible gossip/infomercial style of narration. There’s also episodes on ‘Die Hard‘, ‘Dirty Dancing’ and ‘Home Alone’ and the premise is interviews with the Producers, Directors & Writers of said movies, and they talk about how their movies actually got made and provide us with the many trials & tribulations, mainly with studios not being on board, along the way.
