MovieChat Forums > Harold Ramis Discussion > He was ill from an infection?

He was ill from an infection?

I'm reading that he had been ill for sometime, what was it? It's a shame


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It was a form of Vasculitis, from what I read.

I had a similar attack on the skin of my legs back in early 2012 called Henoch-Schonlein Purpura, which resulted in big touch-sensitive spots which turned into big blisters that bled, swollen ankles and other symptoms. It was no laughing matter, and apparently, this disease can kill kidneys. I've recovered now, but it was very unpleasant.

I actually have a picture of the blisters on my legs, if you want to see it (most wouldn't).


That sounds very scary, I'm glad you're doing better and I'm a little squeamish about it but thanks for replying. I've found some recent updates on his story. It says it was painful for him and it's sad he had to suffer


They were unusual, but most of them leaked a clearish liquid mixed with blood. It was especially tricky putting on socks, as the friction would bust them open and then it would make an almighty mess of my clothes and bedclothes.

All I know is that when the spots first formed, they were highly sensitive to touch and it was practically impossible to get to sleep at night lying down in the normal position when the bedsheets rubbed against them.

And much later on, as they healed, they all formed scabs. I have never picked off so many scabs in one part of my body in my life!

